Life in Singapore
Trinity College
Trinity College
Our second ranger station next to Bukit Timah mountain. After 4 years of weekly visits, we are more familiar with every toilet and water-cooler than any student.
Hiking with Friends
Hiking with Friends
Wonderful place to have a rest when biking on Pulau Ubin.
Daily Exercise Route
Daily Exercise Route
Say goodbye to my running track with perfect view before moving to Jurong west.
Living in Shinkai's Movie
Living in Shinkai's Movie
Amazing night view of MacRitchie reservoir at 8 pm. Walking in the jungles at night is another different experience.
Hiking around the Reservior
Hiking around the Reservior
Going to MacRitchie once a week allows you to run away from the civilization and crowd. (Tips: Going there on weekends you will still be surrounded by the crowd.)
Picnic on the Coastline
Picnic on the Coastline
Singapore's east coast is perfect for camping or picnicking.